orthodontic treatment

In The News – Children Are Being Screened for Orthodontics Later Than Recommended


Research conducted by the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) found that many children are going to their first orthodontic evaluation later than recommended. The AAO recommends that children have their first orthodontic evaluation by age 7. Due to the unique nature of our practice putting together both pediatric dentistry and orthodontics in the same office, [...]

In The News – Children Are Being Screened for Orthodontics Later Than Recommended2020-03-10T18:49:40+00:00

Reminders for Taking Care of Braces this Holiday Season


Wearing braces doesn’t have to mean less enjoyment during the holiday season. If you or your child is new to braces, there will be some adjustment, but after that, everything will settle down, and braces will just be part of the festivities, like a guest! And, everyone knows guests deserve special treatment. It’s important to [...]

Reminders for Taking Care of Braces this Holiday Season2019-12-17T17:21:36+00:00

How to Prepare for Orthodontic Treatment


When children are about to visit the orthodontist for an evaluation, or about to get fitted with braces, they often have a lot of questions and, sometimes, concerns. At Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic Specialists of Michigan, our board certified doctors do their best to talk to our patients and parents and we certainly invite their [...]

How to Prepare for Orthodontic Treatment2019-09-26T16:40:33+00:00

Are Regular Dental Checkups Necessary During Orthodontic Treatment?


We have found over the years that some of our patients do not see the dentist regularly when they are undergoing orthodontic treatment. The main reason being that the patient or parent felt that they were seeing a dentist monthly for orthodontic adjustments. However, the orthodontist is not equipped to clean the teeth or diagnose [...]

Are Regular Dental Checkups Necessary During Orthodontic Treatment?2019-07-09T15:50:24+00:00

The Benfits of Orthodontics in Aging Gracefully


When you think of aging gracefully, you think of being positive about your image and feeling and/or looking younger than your age. The fact is, orthodontists play a huge role in helping us overcome or limit the effects of gravity (which is undefeated, by the way) and would love to serve as you unsung hero [...]

The Benfits of Orthodontics in Aging Gracefully2018-12-04T20:45:57+00:00

Why Two-Phase Orthodontics Might Be Best For Your Child


Baby teeth can be problematic, but gaps and crooked little teeth can look adorable, and parents don’t think much of them because they’re just going to fall out. Unfortunately, this mindset is what often leads to longer, more extensive treatment once the adult teeth do come in at ages 11 to 12. In this case, [...]

Why Two-Phase Orthodontics Might Be Best For Your Child2018-10-23T20:57:22+00:00

Pros and Cons of Early Orthodontic Treatment


We hear from time to time some concerns raised by parents regarding the concept of early orthodontic treatment.  These concerns typically revolve around why kids with baby teeth still in their mouth would have braces installed.  We're here to clear the air a little on this concept by explaining some of the things early treatment [...]

Pros and Cons of Early Orthodontic Treatment2019-05-02T16:15:00+00:00

Kids Ask: Which is better: Invisalign or Ceramic Braces?


It’s not just adults asking for more cosmetic options for tooth straightening anymore. Teens and even some of our even younger patients are interested in the best “technology” to straighten their teeth. The two most popular options for straightening the teeth in a more “sneaky” way are Invisalign and ceramic/porcelain braces. Invisalign is a system [...]

Kids Ask: Which is better: Invisalign or Ceramic Braces?2018-04-05T18:05:32+00:00

Have You Ever Wondered Why So Many People Need Braces?


Pretty much everyone sees the allure of beautifully straight teeth and a healthy bite. While we are fortunate to have excellent technology and knowledge of how to use it to straighten teeth today, have you ever wondered why so many people have crooked teeth or bite problems? Straight teeth look great and they are also [...]

Have You Ever Wondered Why So Many People Need Braces?2017-07-25T15:37:08+00:00

Preventing “White Spot Lesions” During Orthodontics


White spot lesions, or white decalcification stains on the front surface of teeth acquired during orthodontic treatment, are frustrating problems for every orthodontic professional. They are formed when oral hygiene is inadequate or when too much liquid sugar is consumed during orthodontic treatment. Prevention is the key because removing white spots after they appear can [...]

Preventing “White Spot Lesions” During Orthodontics2017-06-20T20:08:49+00:00
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