Dr. Renee reminds us that, “the best thing we can do for our teeth is to remember to floss and brush at least twice a day and visit your dentist every 6 months.” However, there are some things that we may be doing that can negatively affect our pearly whites that we should consider eliminating or avoiding.

Sugary liquids are probably the most harmful things our teeth can be exposed to. The sugar in drinks such as pop/soda, some juices, Gatorade, and even wine can lead to tooth decay and cavities. Tooth decay is caused when bacteria in the mouth consume sugar and excrete acid as the digestive byproduct. Acid, in any form, can dissolve the mineral content in teeth and damage teeth by staining or cavity formation. Beverages such as pop/soda and wine have a very high acid levels that can cause tooth erosion, as well.

Probably the worst part about these drinks is that they are often consumed over the course of extended periods of time. That is, instead of in one sitting with a meal, pop tends to be consumed over the course of a movie or throughout the day. Gatorade is often consumed at intervals throughout a sporting event when salivary flow may be diminished due to heavy breathing and exertion. It must be remembered that every sip of a sugary beverage starts the bacterial acid production and erosion process all over again as the benefits of our saliva are overwhelmed. The best thing to do to prevent this damage is to limit your intake of these beverages. Drinking through a straw can help limit direct contact and drinking water right after you consume sugary beverages can help rinse out your mouth. It is also wise to consider consuming these types of beverages with food that will offset some of the acid exposure.

We all know that nicotine habits are very bad for our health, and this includes our dental health as well. Smoking contributes to bad breath, tooth discoloration, increased buildup of plaque, gum disease and tooth loss. Smoking interferes with the normal function of gum tissue cells, which makes smokers more susceptible to infections. Smoking and chewing tobacco products greatly increase risk of oral cancers as well.

Chewing ice or using your teeth as a tool to open things or rip things is another bad habit that can lead to little chips or devastating fractures of teeth. If you already have a chipped tooth, this can lead to further cracking the tooth. Do not use your teeth as a tool! Remember, you only have one set of permanent teeth, so treat them kindly.

Grinding your teeth can also be very damaging and is very difficult to control because it often presents as a nighttime habit. Severe grinding can lead to cracked teeth or flattened teeth or even tooth loss through damage to the supporting bone around the teeth. Many people grind their teeth at night, and it is very hard to stop. If you suspect that you may be grinding your teeth, we ask that you inquire at your next appointment or make a special appointment to further investigate before any significant damage occurs. Our orthodontic specialists can help give you some ideas on how to stop grinding and/or fit you with a custom made and adjusted bite guard/splint.

If you would like to discuss this topic with us further, please don’t hesitate to contact our office. We are here to help you maintain and protect your healthy, beautiful smile!

About Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic Specialists of Michigan, the offices of Drs. Delaney, Plunkett, Ralstrom, Makowski, Thanasas, Ker, and Associates

Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic Specialists of Michigan have specialized in pediatric dentistry and orthodontics since 1968. Our family-friendly and newly renovated office gives patients and families a more comfortable and consistent experience with dentistry from the very beginning. Our pediatric dentists treat children from newborn to 18 years of age while our orthodontists provide care for both children and adults and are proud to be Preferred Providers of Invisalign and Invisalign Teen services. The ability to treat all patients with compassion and individuality, including those that may have special needs reaches beyond our facility, which has treatment rooms available for children who require additional privacy and customized care options.  We pioneered valued hospital affiliations to allow dental services to be performed at DMC Children’s Hospital and St. John Macomb Hospital, when appropriate or necessary, and our specialists are also proud to be on staff at Henry Ford and Beaumont hospitals.

39400 Garfield Rd., Suite 200
Clinton Township, MI
Phone: 586-286-0700
Fax: 586-286-5932