When it comes to achieving straight teeth, it can be tempting to try do-it-yourself (DIY) aligners as a more affordable or convenient solution to seeing an orthodontist. Unfortunately, there are serious risks associated with DIY aligners, and the experts at Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic Specialists of Michigan recommend seeing a professional before starting any type of orthodontic treatment.  

The Importance of Professional Guidance 

  • Expertise Matters: Orthodontists undergo extensive training and education to specialize in correcting misaligned teeth and jaws. They possess the knowledge and experience required to diagnose complex issues, create personalized treatment plans, and monitor progress throughout the entire process. DIY aligners lack this essential hands-on care with a specialist, potentially leading to unsatisfactory results or major dental complications. 
  • Is It Really Cheaper? Problems that could possibly be solved using aligners printed at a store in a shopping mall may also be fixable using the expertise and creativity of an orthodontist with more tools at their disposal.  For example, we have seen many patients over the years that need a simple retainer to resolve their chief concern of crowded lower front teeth.  This can be $1000’s cheaper than 3D printed aligners. 
  • Customized Treatment: Every smile is unique; the one-size-fits-all approach simply doesn’t work with orthodontic systems. Professional orthodontists carefully evaluate your child’s dental condition, soft and hard tissue relationships and create a tailored treatment plan based on their specific needs, including the best type of appliances for their mouth. DIY aligners lack this personalization and can result in inadequate tooth movement, bite problems, or other unintended consequences. 

The Risks of DIY Aligners 

  • Inadequate Diagnosis: Self-diagnosing orthodontic issues without professional guidance is risky when it’s done remotely. Orthodontists conduct thorough evaluations, including X-rays, to assess the condition of teeth, gums, and jaws, including existing dental work and bone anatomy. Interactions between hard adn soft tissues must be considered to properly design a smile.  Orthodontists identify underlying problems that may require additional treatments before or during orthodontic care.  
  • Potential Damage: Improperly moving teeth can have serious consequences, such as bone loss, failed tooth movement, or complications with existing dental work. DIY aligners lack the necessary supervision to ensure teeth are shifting safely and without causing harm. Ill-fitting aligners or incorrect application of force can also lead to gum recession, tooth root damage, and bite misalignment, requiring expensive treatments to correct. 

Schedule Your Orthodontic Consultation Today 

When it comes to your family’s oral health, professional orthodontic treatment can save you both time and money. At the Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic Specialists of Michigan, our experts are committed to providing safe and effective orthodontic treatments you can afford. Schedule a consultation with one of our skilled, board-certified orthodontists today.