Healthy Eating

How Sugar Impacts Your Child’s Teeth


While we’re all stuck at home, our kids might be steadily going through the pantry with a little more regularity and parents might be understandably lax at this time just to keep the peace and entertain bored and stir-crazy kids. There are some drinks that are the worst enemy of our teeth! Most juice boxes, [...]

How Sugar Impacts Your Child’s Teeth2020-04-21T17:40:21+00:00

Have a Healthier Mouth in the New Year


Dental health can be part of the whole family’s New Year’s resolutions. What can you do to improve? What habit can you start in 2020 that will improve your dental health? Find a dentist if you need one. Maybe you’re an adult who hasn’t been to the dentist in a very long time. You might [...]

Have a Healthier Mouth in the New Year2019-12-26T18:12:20+00:00

Have a Healthy Holiday Season with These Tips


The holidays are full of people… and food! You want everyone in the family to stay healthy and enjoy every special moment and celebration. So here are tips from your favorite dentists at Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic Specialists of Michigan. Limit hard candy and chewy sweets. They stay longer in the mouth or stick to [...]

Have a Healthy Holiday Season with These Tips2019-12-19T16:34:24+00:00

Thanksgiving Dental Health – Tips for the Feast!


Wondering whether your Thanksgiving feast is healthy for growing teeth? Our tables are often flooded with Thanksgiving staples we simply can’t skip. They’re tradition! And you can’t have Thanksgiving without all the best stuff and our family favorites. Here are our tips and facts about some of the most common Thanksgiving food items that we [...]

Thanksgiving Dental Health – Tips for the Feast!2019-11-21T21:24:08+00:00

Best and Worst Treats for Dental Health This Halloween


“Halloween dental health” sounds like a contradiction, but it’s achievable! As dentists, we also give out Halloween treats, but we pick the best ones for your teeth! The Worst Treats Hard candy - lollipops, toffees, jawbreakers, anything you have to lick and suck and keep in your mouth for a long time is bad. Hard [...]

Best and Worst Treats for Dental Health This Halloween2019-10-24T17:45:22+00:00

Pumpkins are Dental Health Superfoods


This fall, don’t just decorate your pumpkins – you should eat them too! Pumpkins are loaded with nutrients that are good for kids and adults alike. These vitamins and minerals do everything from boosting your immunity to promoting strong teeth and bones. Pumpkin dental health nutrients Vitamin A - Pumpkin is famous as a great [...]

Pumpkins are Dental Health Superfoods2019-10-17T16:08:20+00:00

Healthy School Lunch Ideas


School is back in session and that means parents are back at it planning packed or school bought lunches for their children. Packed lunch is typically more nutritious, and will save you tons every month, especially if you also pack a lunch for yourself, not just the kids! Packed lunch goals The basic of packing [...]

Healthy School Lunch Ideas2019-09-17T17:54:47+00:00

3 Tips to Keep Your Child Hydrated Without Tooth Decay


It’s summer! This means cookouts, camping, picnics, block parties, pool parties, BBQ and playing or watching games. Kids tend to be super active and can become little sweat monsters in no time. This can lead to dehydration and a need for parents to cool them down and rehydrate them. And, we know what type of [...]

3 Tips to Keep Your Child Hydrated Without Tooth Decay2020-07-07T16:47:49+00:00

Summer Treats! Ice Cream and Popsicle Season


Vacation is not just for your kids: some parents are also on vacation from early mornings, lunch bag prep and the morning rush to get the kids to school on time. Our routines do shift a little in the summer and there may be a little more time to enjoy special experiences and treats. But [...]

Summer Treats! Ice Cream and Popsicle Season2019-07-16T19:09:16+00:00

Our Tooth-Friendly Ideas for Summer Parties


Block parties and summer gatherings can make it difficult to maintain optimal dental health for our children. It’s the season of chips, barbeque sauce, popsicles and smores. While we’re certainly not trying to be party poopers, we do have some recommendations to help your teeth stay healthy and white while you enjoy the party. We [...]

Our Tooth-Friendly Ideas for Summer Parties2019-06-18T18:22:46+00:00
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