dental health

Why We Love “A Mom’s Perspective on Fluoride”


We recently read an article entitled, “A Mom’s Guide to Fluoride.” This article was written by a mom named Brittany Seymour who also happens to be an assistant professor at Harvard School of Dental Medicine. We particularly liked the article because we at Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic Specialists of Michigan largely agree with her perspective [...]

Why We Love “A Mom’s Perspective on Fluoride”2017-04-17T19:06:45+00:00

Is Teeth Grinding Normal in Children?


Teeth grinding, known as bruxism, is actually very common in children. Many parents have the experience of hearing their children under the age of eleven grinding their teeth at night. It is actually pretty normal behavior. However, it can become problematic if it causes tooth wear, pain, or trouble sleeping. Why do kids grind their [...]

Is Teeth Grinding Normal in Children?2017-03-21T00:47:38+00:00

Bottled Water VS. Tap Water


Did you know that Americans drink about 50 billion water bottles a year? Yes, it’s true! That is a lot of water bottles. No doubt about it, water is good for you, vital to life, and people know it. We need water to survive. Our bodies are made up of 60% water. Staying hydrated has [...]

Bottled Water VS. Tap Water2017-03-09T16:39:58+00:00

ADA and Fluoride for Kids


We have all probably heard that fluoride can help reduce tooth decay and it is recommended for our children to get fluoride treatments at their dental check up appointments. Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay by strengthening tooth enamel and this benefit is enhanced when teeth are developing. What is the ADA’s Stance? In the past, [...]

ADA and Fluoride for Kids2017-02-10T17:54:09+00:00

Holiday Foods That Are Healthy Foods


Just like our overall health, there are foods that are better for our oral health as well. We all know that sticky foods and candy are not considered a positive part of our food pyramid and can cause cavities and oral decay. Most carbohydrates and sugary foods can add to this as well. During this [...]

Holiday Foods That Are Healthy Foods2016-12-15T22:15:24+00:00

Thanksgiving Tooth Tips! Gobble Gobble!


During Thanksgiving, we at Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic Specialists of Michigan look forward to all the fantastic food and spending time with our friends and family just like you. While we don’t want you to think too much when you celebrate around the holidays, we think it is a good time to talk about certain [...]

Thanksgiving Tooth Tips! Gobble Gobble!2016-11-17T12:30:45+00:00

The Best Advice for Healthy Teeth


Many of our patients ask us what the best actions are that they can take to care for their teeth properly and ensure that they have healthy teeth for life. There are a lot of things to consider, but our top four would include: 1) limiting sugary foods and drinks, 2) start children early, 3) [...]

The Best Advice for Healthy Teeth2016-09-29T18:58:47+00:00

Breast Feeding and Your Child’s Teeth


Most of us know that there are a lot of benefits to breastfeeding our babies. It can help baby fight infections, transfer vital nutrients and immune system building blocks to baby, and reduce health risks. But did you know that it can also be beneficial for your baby’s teeth? Breastfeeding may help build a better [...]

Breast Feeding and Your Child’s Teeth2016-09-15T23:38:52+00:00

Secrets to a Great Dental Checkup from Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic Specialists of Michigan


We all know that going to the dentist is essential for the overall health of our mouth and teeth and how important it is to keep up with visits to the dentist/hygienist every six-months. Additionally, most of us are aware of the recommendation to brush at least twice a day, floss at least once a [...]

Secrets to a Great Dental Checkup from Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic Specialists of Michigan2016-09-08T17:50:21+00:00

The Best Dental Health Habits for Your Child to Start Today


A habit is a practice or a routine that is repeated regularly. Most have heard the old adage that, “bad habits are hard to break.” Actually, that is true for good habits too. We may also have heard that we are “creatures of habit.” These words have a lot of wisdom. We can create and [...]

The Best Dental Health Habits for Your Child to Start Today2016-08-24T18:30:40+00:00
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