oral health

A Guide to Oral Care with Braces


Orthodontic treatment is a wonderful gift we give our children or ourselves. The creation of a beautiful and healthy smile is an investment in health and well being that is eclipsed by few other things. However, without the proper mouth care during orthodontic treatment, dental and periodontal problems can develop leading to tooth stains, cavities, [...]

A Guide to Oral Care with Braces2016-10-18T19:47:00+00:00

The Best Advice for Healthy Teeth


Many of our patients ask us what the best actions are that they can take to care for their teeth properly and ensure that they have healthy teeth for life. There are a lot of things to consider, but our top four would include: 1) limiting sugary foods and drinks, 2) start children early, 3) [...]

The Best Advice for Healthy Teeth2016-09-29T18:58:47+00:00

Breast Feeding and Your Child’s Teeth


Most of us know that there are a lot of benefits to breastfeeding our babies. It can help baby fight infections, transfer vital nutrients and immune system building blocks to baby, and reduce health risks. But did you know that it can also be beneficial for your baby’s teeth? Breastfeeding may help build a better [...]

Breast Feeding and Your Child’s Teeth2016-09-15T23:38:52+00:00

Secrets to a Great Dental Checkup from Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic Specialists of Michigan


We all know that going to the dentist is essential for the overall health of our mouth and teeth and how important it is to keep up with visits to the dentist/hygienist every six-months. Additionally, most of us are aware of the recommendation to brush at least twice a day, floss at least once a [...]

Secrets to a Great Dental Checkup from Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic Specialists of Michigan2016-09-08T17:50:21+00:00

The Effect of Food and Drink on Your Teeth


We all know that brushing, flossing, and rinsing are important ways to protect your teeth for the long run but people often forget or don’t realize that certain foods and beverages we consume can impact oral health just as much as your hygiene regimen. Even in a well cared for mouth, certain foods can have a [...]

The Effect of Food and Drink on Your Teeth2016-08-16T16:52:19+00:00

Summer is Almost Over… Time to Schedule the Back-to-School Dental Appointment


We want to help our patients start their school year off right. Of course, kids are always excited to get new clothes and shoes to look just right as they start off a new school year. But having a beautiful, healthy smile to go with those new clothes is extremely important also. A feeling of [...]

Summer is Almost Over… Time to Schedule the Back-to-School Dental Appointment2016-07-15T13:55:22+00:00

Why We Get Bad Breath and How to Prevent It


No one likes to have bad breath or be around someone else who has bad breath. We all might experience it acutely after eating foods like garlic or onions, but chronic bad breath can be a problem. Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can occur for a variety of reasons. Basically, bad breath is created [...]

Why We Get Bad Breath and How to Prevent It2016-06-21T20:01:59+00:00

What is Gingivitis?


Most of us have heard of gingivitis, but not everyone understands exactly what it is and what can cause it. Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums evidenced by gums that become red and puffy. It is common to find bleeding of the gums when brushing or flossing. A person’s gums may appear bright red [...]

What is Gingivitis?2016-06-14T17:46:19+00:00

Seltzer Water and Your Teeth


Seltzer water appears to be the ultimate, guiltless pleasure. It has become more and more popular over the last years. It has no calories, no sugar, and is devoid of artificial sweeteners. It’s a great alternative to soda, which is loaded with sugar or artificial sweeteners. There are a lot of benefits to drinking seltzer [...]

Seltzer Water and Your Teeth2016-06-02T15:13:16+00:00

How Your Diet May Affect Your Oral Health


These days we are bombarded with information about what foods make a healthy diet. One thing we do know for sure, your diet does affect your overall oral health. Many of our patients ask us what foods are good to eat and what foods should be avoided or limited. The right diet can help both [...]

How Your Diet May Affect Your Oral Health2016-04-26T17:02:35+00:00
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