Pediatric Dentistry

A Guide on the Process of Losing Baby Teeth


It seems like the moment your child finally gets all of their new teeth they start losing their first ones. We have created this guide to help you understand what to expect and what’s normal when it comes to the timeframe for baby teeth to start exfoliating (falling out)? Your Child’s First Loose Tooth Tooth [...]

A Guide on the Process of Losing Baby Teeth2022-06-07T14:02:30+00:00

The Causes of “Chalky” Looking Teeth. Is it Preventable?


Have you ever noticed whiter, chalky areas or spots on your child’s teeth? Perhaps it’s in the form of white lines next to their gums. Or there are circle-shaped marks on their teeth after getting braces off. Maybe it’s a little white spot or circle in the middle of one of your child’s front teeth. [...]

The Causes of “Chalky” Looking Teeth. Is it Preventable?2022-03-24T18:48:52+00:00

4 Bad Habits That Impact Baby Teeth


Your child’s baby teeth act as guides for their developing, future smile. They also impact diet, speech, and self-confidence. But here are four bad habits that could permanently damage your child’s teeth. Thumb, Finger, Pacifier Sucking or Extended Bottle/Sippy Cup Use When a child sucks on a foreign object (including fingers or bottles) on a [...]

4 Bad Habits That Impact Baby Teeth2022-02-23T21:52:17+00:00

What Are Sealants? Why Do Our Pediatric Dentists Recommend Them?


Dental sealants are one of the most effective and affordable steps you can take to prevent childhood tooth decay. And best of all, they’re usually completely covered by your dental insurance plan. By applying sealants to posterior teeth with deep grooves and fissures (good hiding places for cavity causing bacteria) as early as possible, you [...]

What Are Sealants? Why Do Our Pediatric Dentists Recommend Them?2021-10-06T17:27:12+00:00

Transforming the Dental Care Experience for Kids


Your child’s earliest interaction with a dentist may be the one that sets their view on dentistry for the rest of their life. We want it to be a relaxed, positive, non-confrontational one. It all starts with prevention and trust. With a leading team of multi-specialty practitioners, our children’s dentistry center provides comprehensive, state-of-the-art care [...]

Transforming the Dental Care Experience for Kids2021-09-29T17:57:07+00:00

Fun Tooth Fairy Ideas


National Tooth Fairy Day was August 22, 2021. Like a lot of families across Michigan, your nighttime tooth fairy routine probably involves tucking a tooth under a pillow. There are many interesting tooth loss traditions around the world. For instance, in East Africa, some children even throw their tooth up on the roof for a [...]

Fun Tooth Fairy Ideas2021-09-08T14:50:30+00:00

Tips to Survive Tooth Eruption and Teething


It is a wonderful thing to welcome your precious baby into the world. But, with all good things come some realities too. Babies will be fussy from time to time (and sometimes a lot). There are a lot of causes but we’re here today to discuss fussiness related to tooth eruption pain – teething. When [...]

Tips to Survive Tooth Eruption and Teething2021-08-17T19:51:40+00:00

Covid’s Impact on Our Teeth: Recommit Yourself to Great Dental Habits


Covid has wreaked havoc on our bodies in many ways even if you didn’t actually have the virus! Being at home close to snack sources all day long, experiencing increased stress, having reduced access to dental appointments and dealing with the many changes to our social structures have also affected dental and overall health in [...]

Covid’s Impact on Our Teeth: Recommit Yourself to Great Dental Habits2021-08-12T16:39:30+00:00

Are Cavities Preventable?


In the majority of situations, tooth decay is completely preventable.   Cavities are a byproduct of type of bacterial infection.  The specific bacteria most responsible for causing cavities is Streptococcus Mutans.  This bacterium is present in every mouth on the planet.  Parents pass it to children and every toddler erupting teeth has this bacterium in the oral [...]

Are Cavities Preventable?2021-07-13T16:18:54+00:00

The Importance of Encouraging Positive Dental Experiences Early


You know how puppies and kittens fear absolutely nothing? Babies are the same. Fearless and curious about everything! That’s why we love meeting kids and their parents who are absolutely enthusiastic about starting off dental experiences early and positively.   Start at home. It’s a daily part of the family routine.   Make it a part of their [...]

The Importance of Encouraging Positive Dental Experiences Early2021-03-24T16:41:52+00:00
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