baby teeth

Breast Feeding and Your Child’s Teeth


Most of us know that there are a lot of benefits to breastfeeding our babies. It can help baby fight infections, transfer vital nutrients and immune system building blocks to baby, and reduce health risks. But did you know that it can also be beneficial for your baby’s teeth? Breastfeeding may help build a better [...]

Breast Feeding and Your Child’s Teeth2016-09-15T23:38:52+00:00

Caring for Baby’s Mouth and Teeth


Caring for Baby's Mouth and Teeth from Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic Specialists of Michigan About Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic Specialists of Michigan, the offices of Drs. Delaney, Plunkett, Ralstrom, Makowski, Thanasas, Ker, and Associates Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic Specialists of Michigan have specialized in pediatric dentistry and orthodontics since 1968. Our family-friendly office gives patients [...]

Caring for Baby’s Mouth and Teeth2016-07-29T20:30:11+00:00

When to Remove Baby Teeth…


Infants are usually born with 20 primary teeth forming under the gums and these are often referred to as baby teeth. They usually start to erupt at around six months of age starting with the central incisors in the lower jaw. Eruption of teeth is usually completed by age 3 with the second molars. Around [...]

When to Remove Baby Teeth…2016-05-11T18:53:37+00:00

A Word About Pacifiers


Many new parents ask us about the use of pacifiers. Some hospitals even send parents home with newborn pacifiers. Pacifiers are generally safe to use in the very early stages of a baby’s development. Parents often find them an acceptable way to help soothe fussy baby when all else fails, including cuddling, holding, feeding, and [...]

A Word About Pacifiers2016-04-06T20:07:36+00:00

The Development of Your Child’s Teeth


Did you know that your baby’s teeth began developing in utero? “Teeth begin developing in the fetus, and that is another reason why good nutrition is so important for mom during this special time. Mothers should be getting lots of vitamins that help to help baby’s teeth develop as healthy as possible,” said Dr. Elizabeth. [...]

The Development of Your Child’s Teeth2016-02-09T20:01:39+00:00

Caring for your Child During Teething


Babies are typically not born with teeth but rather erupt their first teeth between six months and one year of age. It is an exciting time and a new stage in your baby’s development. While these teeth are coming in, they literally make a little cut in the gums to pass through which can cause [...]

Caring for your Child During Teething2016-02-01T17:12:58+00:00

Your Child and Losing Baby Teeth


Many parents wonder when their child will start losing their 20 baby teeth that took so long to come in! This is a very big milestone in a child’s life, and there are a few things every parent should know when it comes to their child losing their teeth. Dr. Elizabeth Ralstrom tells us, “that [...]

Your Child and Losing Baby Teeth2015-06-30T18:53:29+00:00

Baby Teeth Serve Many Important and Often Overlooked Purposes


Primary teeth, or baby teeth, play an important role in the oral development of a young child and are actually more vital to general healthy human development than many people think or anticipate. When a baby’s first tooth comes in, two things occur simultaneously: parents recognize that it is a major milestone related to their [...]

Baby Teeth Serve Many Important and Often Overlooked Purposes2015-05-19T16:32:10+00:00
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