kids teeth

What’s The Story With Sensitive Teeth in Children


During winter and colder temperatures, children may be more prone to issues with and complain more about sensitive teeth. Children can have this problem much the same as an adult. While the bitter colds winds that come and go with Michigan winters can be enough to cause a “zing” to the teeth, often the effect [...]

What’s The Story With Sensitive Teeth in Children2018-02-13T18:26:57+00:00

Bad Breath and Your Kids


Morning dragon mouth is normal for kids, but persistent bad breath can be a sign of a serious dental issue, or another illness. If you notice persistent bad breath (formally described as chronic halitosis) in your kids, the first question is whether they’ve brushed, flossed and rinsed recently. If they haven’t, it may be time [...]

Bad Breath and Your Kids2017-09-06T14:28:15+00:00

Breast Feeding and Your Child’s Teeth


Most of us know that there are a lot of benefits to breastfeeding our babies. It can help baby fight infections, transfer vital nutrients and immune system building blocks to baby, and reduce health risks. But did you know that it can also be beneficial for your baby’s teeth? Breastfeeding may help build a better [...]

Breast Feeding and Your Child’s Teeth2016-09-15T23:38:52+00:00

The Best Dental Health Habits for Your Child to Start Today


A habit is a practice or a routine that is repeated regularly. Most have heard the old adage that, “bad habits are hard to break.” Actually, that is true for good habits too. We may also have heard that we are “creatures of habit.” These words have a lot of wisdom. We can create and [...]

The Best Dental Health Habits for Your Child to Start Today2016-08-24T18:30:40+00:00

Kids’ Corner: The Story of Your Tooth


Image Courtesy of ADA's This is a story about ME, your first tooth! It is also a story about your mouth because that’s where I came from and where I still live today. It all started before you were even born! I was formed under the gums in your mouth just as [...]

Kids’ Corner: The Story of Your Tooth2016-07-27T15:55:11+00:00

The Importance of Flossing


Flossing is not something everyone likes to hear about, think about, or perform daily. We know it can be time consuming and when it comes to your children, it can become quite an ordeal. However, we cannot stress enough how important flossing is to overall dental health. Make flossing a part of your entire family’s [...]

The Importance of Flossing2016-05-31T17:10:17+00:00

Making Dental Health Fun at Home


We know that at times it is hard to get your kids to brush and floss, especially little ones that require parents to do it all and who may not be cooperative. We feel it is important to remind our readers that with the arrival of the first teeth, parents have to actually brush for [...]

Making Dental Health Fun at Home2016-05-26T20:49:18+00:00

A Word About Pacifiers


Many new parents ask us about the use of pacifiers. Some hospitals even send parents home with newborn pacifiers. Pacifiers are generally safe to use in the very early stages of a baby’s development. Parents often find them an acceptable way to help soothe fussy baby when all else fails, including cuddling, holding, feeding, and [...]

A Word About Pacifiers2016-04-06T20:07:36+00:00

The Development of Your Child’s Teeth


Did you know that your baby’s teeth began developing in utero? “Teeth begin developing in the fetus, and that is another reason why good nutrition is so important for mom during this special time. Mothers should be getting lots of vitamins that help to help baby’s teeth develop as healthy as possible,” said Dr. Elizabeth. [...]

The Development of Your Child’s Teeth2016-02-09T20:01:39+00:00

Debunking Dental Myths


There are plenty of myths that many people believe about dental health - and understandably so! There are countless sources of information that provide misleading or misdirected advice relating to the mouth. Here are a few of the most common dental health myths, and some short explanations as to why they’re not totally truthful. Debunking [...]

Debunking Dental Myths2016-02-02T19:05:18+00:00
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