Dental Health

How Long Do Fillings Last?


How long fillings last depends on what type of filling your child has and any other conditions present. We typically say that fillings last about 7-10 years.  The longevity of fillings depends on many factors, however.  The size of the filling, the way the teeth fit or bite together (this will usually be much better [...]

How Long Do Fillings Last?2021-01-06T16:32:10+00:00

Ways the Cold Weather Impacts Oral Health


Colds and flu aren’t the only things that are common in winter. Dental problems can also come to light during winter months for many reasons.   Here’s several ways the cold weather can impact your oral health, and how to minimize or avoid that impact. Dry mouth, cavities and toothaches It’s not just the usual [...]

Ways the Cold Weather Impacts Oral Health2020-12-15T19:23:40+00:00

Dental Facts Every Parent Should Know


Parents always want the best for the kids, but many parents can undervalue baby teeth because they know that they will eventually fall out! But our children’s dental health begins as soon as the first tooth erupts. Fact #1: According to the CDC, 1 in 5 children (20%) aged 5 to 11 years have at [...]

Dental Facts Every Parent Should Know2020-11-04T17:44:24+00:00

It’s Mouthguard Season – Sort of…


Sports give our kids something to get up for in the mornings. The highest risk of mouth injury comes during participation in basketball, football, hockey, martial arts, and boxing. While many sports are not operating at full capacity during the pandemic, the governor has recently opened up opportunities for more sports to resume practice and [...]

It’s Mouthguard Season – Sort of…2020-09-10T15:50:45+00:00

Is Sparkling Water Bad For Teeth?


Sparkling water is carbonated to achieve that fizz you love, and carbonated drinks have more acid than water. But sparkling water is safe to consume in normal volumes. Acid in large quantities can be bad for your teeth but rest assured that sparkling water is always a better option in comparison to sugary drinks. If [...]

Is Sparkling Water Bad For Teeth?2020-07-28T16:06:01+00:00

How to Help Your Teen Maintain Proper Dental Health


Teens are more independent and their schedules are typically jam packed with school, sports and social activities. Parents tell us all the time how much harder it is to keep track of their kids hygiene and activities of daily living once the teen years begin. We want to help our parents continue to positively impact [...]

How to Help Your Teen Maintain Proper Dental Health2020-07-14T15:31:12+00:00

Fun and Educational Dental Apps for Kids


Kids are stuck at home with school cancelled for the year so apps are among parents’ current superheroes in keeping them occupied once the online learning is done. It is even better when these apps provide educational content. “iPad time” and screen time becomes beneficial when your child learns and interacts with the world, even [...]

Fun and Educational Dental Apps for Kids2020-04-28T19:25:16+00:00

How Sugar Impacts Your Child’s Teeth


While we’re all stuck at home, our kids might be steadily going through the pantry with a little more regularity and parents might be understandably lax at this time just to keep the peace and entertain bored and stir-crazy kids. There are some drinks that are the worst enemy of our teeth! Most juice boxes, [...]

How Sugar Impacts Your Child’s Teeth2020-04-21T17:40:21+00:00

What Happens When Your Child Skips Brushing


Why exactly do we need to brush at least twice a day? Inquiring little minds might want to know (and we’d like to give them the right answer as parents and health care providers). Here are the answers from your specialists at Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic Specialists of Michigan. First, let’s talk about plaque. Plaque [...]

What Happens When Your Child Skips Brushing2020-03-25T17:25:12+00:00

Make a Pledge For Dental Health on World Oral Health Day This March 20


We celebrate World Oral Health Day every year on March 20. Many people have used this date as a trigger for declaring an oral health pledge. What’s your pledge going to be? Maybe you can pledge to always go to the dentist every 6 months? Or pledge to floss every day! It’s the largest campaign [...]

Make a Pledge For Dental Health on World Oral Health Day This March 202020-03-18T17:42:54+00:00
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