
Dental Assistants’ Recognition Week 2015 Embraced Daily Tasks


This year, during the week of March 1-7, the doctors at Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic Specialists of Michigan were proud and happy to recognize all of our wonderful staff members during Dental Assistant’s Recognition Week, or DARW. This is a very special week at our office because we feel it is very important to recognize [...]

Dental Assistants’ Recognition Week 2015 Embraced Daily Tasks2015-05-05T17:40:35+00:00

Dental Improvements for Kids with Autism


Our motto and our livelihood are to provide special care for all people that seek our care for their dental needs, no matter their race, background, or any other contributing health factor. That, of course, includes children with autism. For years, patients with autism were probably not provided optimal care in many dental settings. Not [...]

Dental Improvements for Kids with Autism2015-05-05T17:41:28+00:00

How Food and Drinks Can Effect Your Teeth


We all know that brushing and flossing are important ways to protect your teeth for the long run. But people often forget or don’t realize that certain foods and beverages can impact your oral health just as much as anything else. For one, there are the foods that stain your teeth. An article on Web [...]

How Food and Drinks Can Effect Your Teeth2015-05-05T17:41:28+00:00

When to Start Caring for your Baby’s Mouth and Teeth


When babies are born they don’t waste any time crying or drooling, and things can get pretty hectic for new parents experiencing this major life change for the first time. But amidst all the chaos, a baby’s parent or caregiver is encouraged to also look ahead in that child’s life to be sure they have [...]

When to Start Caring for your Baby’s Mouth and Teeth2015-05-05T17:41:28+00:00

Is Lidocaine Safe? What You Should Know


Our doctors and staff are focused toward safety in providing dental care in our office.  The doctors at Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic Specialists of Michigan wants our patients to be aware with the scientific and public health stance on the topic of lidocaine anesthetic use in children. In a recent development, the Food and Drug [...]

Is Lidocaine Safe? What You Should Know2015-05-05T17:41:28+00:00

Grinding and Clenching Teeth


At one point in your life, you probably were guilty of grinding your teeth. Whether you were a younger child or a full-blown adult, teeth grinding is an act that is often done without much thought and most commonly subconsciously while we are sleeping. It just sort of happens, and doing it can become a [...]

Grinding and Clenching Teeth2015-05-05T17:41:29+00:00

Safe Sedation at Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic Specialists of Michigan


Whether your child needs a tooth extracted or a minor in-office dental procedure, sedation may sometimes be needed to allow your child to have the best overall experience while visiting the dentist. The American Academy of Pediatrics takes a strong position about the importance of safety in child sedation including the evaluation of certain sedation [...]

Safe Sedation at Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic Specialists of Michigan2015-05-05T17:41:29+00:00

How to Handle a Dental Emergency


“Sometimes bad things happen to good teeth,” is what we often think when a true dental emergency occurs.  When consistent dental care is provided to children, it is unlikely for cavities to progress to the point where an emergency is related to tooth decay.  However, emergencies like a knocked out tooth, a broken tooth, certain [...]

How to Handle a Dental Emergency2015-05-05T17:41:29+00:00

Special Needs Dentistry is One of Our Specialties


One of our goals at Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic Specialists of Michigan is to treat patients that present for dental care with special needs based on their medical history as comprehensively and caringly as any other patient.  They may need a few extra steps or special treatment adjuncts but our use of special procedural safety [...]

Special Needs Dentistry is One of Our Specialties2015-05-05T17:41:29+00:00

Halloween Candy and Your Child’s Teeth


It’s almost that time of year, when millions of children dress up as their favorite ghouls, goblins, characters, and athletes to partake in the celebration of Halloween. Heck, even adults like to celebrate with their favorite costumes as well. But besides the obvious fun that comes along with wearing costumes during this holiday, something else [...]

Halloween Candy and Your Child’s Teeth2015-05-05T17:41:47+00:00
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