
Is Flossing Necessary?


You may have recently heard in print and digital news media that there have been questions raised about whether flossing in between teeth provides a health benefit as a recent study found that the differences in tissue health were not statistically significant in flossers and non-flossers. We felt it would be important to discuss this [...]

Is Flossing Necessary?2017-06-27T22:59:38+00:00

Myths About Dental Care


Many of us have heard some myths about dentistry and oral care. We hear them quite often right in our office. We thought it might be beneficial to address some common dental myths. Myth Number One: If your gums are bleeding, you should not brush too much or floss them. Just the opposite is true! [...]

Myths About Dental Care2017-04-04T17:07:52+00:00

Make a Healthy Smile Part of the New Year!


The New Year is here again! Did you make a resolution for 2017? Did you know that only 8 percent of people achieve or keep their New Year’s resolutions? The top ones usually include losing weight, getting organized, and spending less. All of those can be a challenge and it is easy to see why [...]

Make a Healthy Smile Part of the New Year!2017-01-13T19:17:16+00:00

Have you Considered Using a Waterpik?


A Waterpik or water flosser is a device that was created to clean any mouth tissue using a stream of water pressure. It is easy to use and can be purchased at drug stores or places like Target or Meijer. Many people are surprised to hear that a recent study1 found that a Waterpik was [...]

Have you Considered Using a Waterpik?2016-12-01T22:03:36+00:00

What to Avoid for Healthy Teeth and Gums


Dr. Renee reminds us that, “the best thing we can do for our teeth is to remember to floss and brush at least twice a day and visit your dentist every 6 months.” However, there are some things that we may be doing that can negatively affect our pearly whites that we should consider eliminating [...]

What to Avoid for Healthy Teeth and Gums2016-11-22T10:10:32+00:00

Thanksgiving Tooth Tips! Gobble Gobble!


During Thanksgiving, we at Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic Specialists of Michigan look forward to all the fantastic food and spending time with our friends and family just like you. While we don’t want you to think too much when you celebrate around the holidays, we think it is a good time to talk about certain [...]

Thanksgiving Tooth Tips! Gobble Gobble!2016-11-17T12:30:45+00:00

The Best Advice for Healthy Teeth


Many of our patients ask us what the best actions are that they can take to care for their teeth properly and ensure that they have healthy teeth for life. There are a lot of things to consider, but our top four would include: 1) limiting sugary foods and drinks, 2) start children early, 3) [...]

The Best Advice for Healthy Teeth2016-09-29T18:58:47+00:00

Tips for Brushing, Flossing, and Rinsing


Besides visiting your dentist for your regular checkups and eating right - brushing, flossing, and rinsing are the most important things you can do for your teeth. We often get questions about the proper way to brush and floss and what products to use, so we thought we would address the best ways to go [...]

Tips for Brushing, Flossing, and Rinsing2016-07-25T13:38:43+00:00

Why We Get Bad Breath and How to Prevent It


No one likes to have bad breath or be around someone else who has bad breath. We all might experience it acutely after eating foods like garlic or onions, but chronic bad breath can be a problem. Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can occur for a variety of reasons. Basically, bad breath is created [...]

Why We Get Bad Breath and How to Prevent It2016-06-21T20:01:59+00:00

The Importance of Flossing


Flossing is not something everyone likes to hear about, think about, or perform daily. We know it can be time consuming and when it comes to your children, it can become quite an ordeal. However, we cannot stress enough how important flossing is to overall dental health. Make flossing a part of your entire family’s [...]

The Importance of Flossing2016-05-31T17:10:17+00:00
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