
Kids Ask: Which is better: Invisalign or Ceramic Braces?


It’s not just adults asking for more cosmetic options for tooth straightening anymore. Teens and even some of our even younger patients are interested in the best “technology” to straighten their teeth. The two most popular options for straightening the teeth in a more “sneaky” way are Invisalign and ceramic/porcelain braces. Invisalign is a system [...]

Kids Ask: Which is better: Invisalign or Ceramic Braces?2018-04-05T18:05:32+00:00

Fast Facts on Interceptive Orthodontics


Interceptive orthodontics, also known as phase I orthodontics, essentially refers to any situation where growth, development, or eruption of teeth is far enough outside of the normal limits that some amount of interventional orthodontics is required to reestablish a normal growth and eruption sequence for a developing child. True to its name, it intercepts orthodontic [...]

Fast Facts on Interceptive Orthodontics2019-04-11T18:23:42+00:00

FDA Releases Consumer Update About Braces


The FDA recently issued a consumer update on braces, a nice Q&A addressing the concerns that come to mind when your dentist says you or your child needs braces. Orthodontics can be associated with some negative thoughts. For instance, many kids get scared that it might hurt or that they may get teased (though braces [...]

FDA Releases Consumer Update About Braces2017-08-29T18:33:14+00:00

Have You Ever Wondered Why So Many People Need Braces?


Pretty much everyone sees the allure of beautifully straight teeth and a healthy bite. While we are fortunate to have excellent technology and knowledge of how to use it to straighten teeth today, have you ever wondered why so many people have crooked teeth or bite problems? Straight teeth look great and they are also [...]

Have You Ever Wondered Why So Many People Need Braces?2017-07-25T15:37:08+00:00

Preventing “White Spot Lesions” During Orthodontics


White spot lesions, or white decalcification stains on the front surface of teeth acquired during orthodontic treatment, are frustrating problems for every orthodontic professional. They are formed when oral hygiene is inadequate or when too much liquid sugar is consumed during orthodontic treatment. Prevention is the key because removing white spots after they appear can [...]

Preventing “White Spot Lesions” During Orthodontics2017-06-20T20:08:49+00:00

Invisalign Treatment For Adults and Teens


You are never too old to have great teeth or to create an amazing smile. Invisalign is the perfect solution for adults, as well as kids and teens, to achieve that goal. Straight teeth create a fantastic smile, but they also help with the overall health of your mouth by creating a healthy, even bite [...]

Invisalign Treatment For Adults and Teens2017-06-15T15:58:53+00:00

The Importance of Dental Check-Ups During Orthodontic Treatment


Your orthodontist is the expert when it comes to building your amazing smile and bit. He or she is there to give you the beautiful smile you are trying to achieve and you will be seeing your orthodontist during treatment much more often than your regular dentist, usually around once ever 6 weeks. Many of [...]

The Importance of Dental Check-Ups During Orthodontic Treatment2017-06-01T17:44:41+00:00

How to Make Retainers Last Longer


It’s always a great day when your child gets their braces removed because no matter how long they are on, it always seems too long to the parents driving them to the orthodontist and the patient wearing them! The finished result is the look of straight and beautiful teeth. However, if you want to maintain [...]

How to Make Retainers Last Longer2019-09-13T01:11:32+00:00

How we use 3D Printing in Orthodontics


3D printing capabilities bring exciting possibilities to the world of orthodontics and our office is proud to be on the cutting edge of this very patient friendly innovation. 3D printing involves the process of making 3 dimensional solid objects from a digital file using an accretive printer that lays down 3 dimensional forms as it [...]

How we use 3D Printing in Orthodontics2017-05-10T18:55:29+00:00

Can You Tell Me More About Invisalign?


Invisalign is a great alternative to traditional braces. Invisalign is a tool used by orthodontists to straighten teeth using a custom-made series of aligners. These aligners are created for each individual and each individual stage of treatment based upon the unique structure of a patient’s teeth and jaws. Invisalign is designed to be invisible. The [...]

Can You Tell Me More About Invisalign?2017-05-04T16:22:54+00:00
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