Hey kids, did you know that the enamel on the top surface of your teeth is the hardest part of your entire body? It’s true!

Also, no two sets of teeth are identical. Your teeth are completely unique to you! How cool!

Another fun fact is that teeth start to form before you are even born. That’s right. Even though you won’t see the teeth until a baby is between 6-12 months old, they actually started in the womb!

Some scientists believe that kids from centuries ago did not suffer from tooth decay due to the lack of sugar in their diet. Now that’s a good reason to remember to brush and avoid those sweets!

Another thing common to people from hundreds of years ago was a tendency for wisdom teeth to fit in the mouth more often. This was because of the difficult diet they ate (teeth wore down and were smaller so they could fit).

Speaking of brushing, it’s a fact that the toothbrush, as we know it today, with bristles and a handle, was not invented until the 1700s. So what did people do before that you ask? They cleaned their teeth by chewing tree bark or wooden sticks. That’s right!

And, the Ancient Egyptians may have used crushed eggshells and oxen hooves to create a powder mixed with water, and used it much like our toothpaste today. Wow!

Here are some jokes you can use on your parents:

kids-teeth-dentistWhy did the king go to the dentist?

To get a new crown!

What did the werewolf eat after he had his teeth taken out?

The dentist!

What does the dentist of the year get?

A plaque!

What game did the dentist play when he was a child?

Caps and robbers!

Who has the most dangerous job in Transylvania?

Dracula’s dentist!

Hope you enjoyed our kids’ corner! Keep smiling and take good care of your teeth!

About Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic Specialists of Michigan, the offices of Drs. Delaney, Plunkett, Ralstrom, Makowski, Thanasas, Ker, and Associates

Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic Specialists of Michigan have specialized in pediatric dentistry and orthodontics since 1968. Our family-friendly office gives patients and families a more comfortable and consistent experience with dentistry from the very beginning. The pediatric dentists treat children from newborn to 18 years of age while our orthodontists provide care for both children and adults, including being an Invisalign preferred provider. The ability to treat all special needs patients reaches beyond our facility, which has treatment rooms available for children who require additional privacy. Valued hospital affiliations allow dental services to be performed at DMC Children’s Hospital and St. John Providence Health System when needed. Our specialists are also on staff at Henry Ford and Beaumont hospitals.

39400 Garfield Rd., Suite 200
Clinton Township, MI
Phone: 586-286-0700
Fax: 586-286-5932